Mothers Day

Mother’s Day 2021: Your mom is awesome!

My mother was incredibly important to me, she formed who I am today and she helped shape a world view that not only told me that I am “enough” as a woman but I am also equal. Our society tells us all that we are only as valuable as our latest Instagram photo but our value is not determined by our beauty. Our value is determined by our character and by how we choose to live our lives.

Unfortunately my mother is no longer with us so I can’t pick up the phone to reach out. If you have the ability to call your mother, I implore you to do so. If you can take her to lunch and show her what she means to you, do it! I am sure she has flaws; as my mother did. Our relationship was strained at times but there is a mother daughter bond that can’t be taken away, even in her passing. If there is emotional distance between you, take the first step to squash it. Your mom is the best mom that you will ever have. This of course stretches to step-moms and influential women in your life. If you’ve felt a bond or grown as a woman due to a strong female in your life, take the five minutes to do something special for her today. Don’t just go through the motions and mail the requisite card or bouquet of flowers. Connect with her on a meaningful level, and let her feel how much you appreciate her.

My mom was an inspiration always told me to reach for my dreams, never accept stereotypes and always push for a goal that seems unattainable. She treated others with humility and appreciation, not just her friends but everyone that she met on a daily basis. From homeless people, wait staff at restaurants, clerks at stores; everyone was respected and loved by my mother. She would always remember the names of people that she interacted with. This is something that I struggle with but she would remember the name of the spouse of someone and the names of her three kids with seemingly minimal effort. This of course made people feel like she truly cared about them and she did.


This blog of course isn’t intended to be any sort of sad eulogy. In fact, this is intended to be the exact opposite. Everyone passes away and some of them leave a lasting impact on our lives. They leave us with the opportunity to share the lessons and values that they held most dear. They empower us, they inspire us, they accomplish things and encourage our accomplishments. As I write this I realize that this blog isn’t about my mom it is about teachers, grandmothers, friends and every female who has guided my way. Cheers to each and every one of you.

Clearly I am feeling nostalgic and appreciative for an incredible woman in my life. Women, do you have a female figure that shared wonderful values or support with you? Did she frame your evolution as a woman and bring you to a place where you’ve come to this site to seek equality and strength in a relationship? Men. did a strong female help to shape you to the point where you accept a woman in your life as an equal, perhaps a best friend and acknowledge her active and perhaps dominant role in your relationship?




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