So my wife and I bought the vice mini and I thought I did the right measurements....and I thought it said that I was fine for the mini. I had it on for about a day and a half with it coming off at like 10 at night bc I wanted to check on the state of it's a son of a gun to get off without pinching your head...two when it came off there was a few minor points where I'd either been bruised scraped of blood blisters or something. I couldn't tell because I'm not all that flexible. I'm wondering if this is normal. When wearing it I felt pinch quite often bc I have a decent sex drive. And I really want to participate in locktober. Any ideas
So this didn't happen when you and your significant other started? It fit without the the skin breaking? I was wondering if it was a matter of frequent.....cage filling
There was some minor chafing but no, no skin breaking. I would imagine that broken skin in that sensitive area would be quite uncomfortable. Even with the spiked cage, there was no broken skin. We take safety of his bits and pieces pretty seriously and stop at any sign of a problem like that.