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Hello and thanks for all the fish.

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Mr Pickle
Posts: 15
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  • Hello and thanks for all the fish.

    Mr Pickle from Wales.

    I'm a Douglas Adams fan (amongst many other dead or alive authors) thus the title.

    The fish refer to all the little bits of information and inspiration.

    A few years back I came across a blog here about managing semen, by chance as I was looking for a way to fix a hole that was developing in the relationship between my wife and I.
    I felt we were losing each other and I couldn't let that happen, she meant too much to me, we had done so much together and deep down I knew we truly loved each other.
    I genuinely felt we had just lost sight of each other during the whole trying to survive life, bringing up kids, building new houses and lives. The boring routines and bad habits.

    Google picked up on a line within a blog "better husband, better oerenting etc."


    Most of the blog scared the crap out of me, but so would a bottomless crevice.
    I'd find the courage to jump for her so why not just make the jump.

    Three or more years later life is exciting. I am a better husband, parent and friend. I'm more successful in business, we have great holidays, spend lots of time together and my wife C. Actually I'll just call her C because 'my wife' sounds like in some way she is mine and this is definitely not the case.
    So. C is happy, confident and generally gets what she wants from life, from me. She is quite an amazing person.
    I am also very happy and I am of course locked and cared for.

    I have a journey posted on Thumpers forum over the three years.
    In that time C has bloomed and life has changed immeasurably.

    C keeps me locked all the time, but let's me out for play or occasionally to make use of it. In the main, tongue and toys have replaced it.
    C has orgasms that lift the roof when ever she wants them, she make use of me. I feel useful.

    Thank you. For all the fish. I respect and love you all for what this blog, the forum and q&a's have given us.

Posted : 27/10/2022 1:41 am
MPowerYou, HappyCuckold, Emma and 3 people reacted
Posts: 1074
Posted by: @mr-pickle

C keeps me locked all the time, but let's me out for play or occasionally to make use of it. In the main, tongue and toys have replaced it.
C has orgasms that lift the roof when ever she wants them, she make use of me. I feel useful.

Boom.  This!

Posted : 27/10/2022 8:17 am
Emma reacted
Mr Pickle
Posts: 15
Eminent Member
Topic starter

Often the question arises "why?" Are we all insane?
I thought this might clarify things or put me straight into the asylum.
Either way. I Hope it makes sense to someone.

Over Three years since we started this journey.
Well, I say 'We'. C definitely wasn't on board.

I will start again.

It has been over three years since 'I' started this journey. What a ride so far.
The first year was difficult, lots of trial, error and a great deal of resistance from C, but it did bring about many changes, and it did open the door to new kinks and a more exciting life.

For me it was always exciting, but try as I might, I couldn't get away from it being about me at the end of the day, and C found it all too much.

The second year. C did get on board. I eventually had the courage and sense to let C take the reigns. It was when C took over, the real changes started to happen. Real improvements, permanent changes. Life improvements that have changed us both.

The second year became more about 'us' and certainly a lot more about C.
I think statistically, the fist year I was locked 50% of the time, much of which was me locking me and C putting up with it.
The second year over 90% with C being the one to insist.
The third year permanently locked apart from 'playtime' in a steel cage with steel urethral tube.

On the sex side. I would say at least a 400% increase and ironically, it is no longer about the sex anyway. The preasure has gone, and the gates have opened.

Relationship-wise. The increase in how we get on, bond, play, find each other of interest and the need/want to be together is immeasurable.

The cage hasn't done this. It was in a way a catalyst.
We did this .
C did this.
The cage hasn't altered us or changed us, but has helped us discover who we are and we realise that we like each other. A lot!

The real changes came about as a result of being able to communicate, being able to listen and get in tune with each other.
The cage has enabled C to say No. To help herself when it suits her, without preasure, guilt or resentment.

My ED has gone. I realise it was never really there, it was all in my head, caused more by my needs, expectations, failures and doubts.

The cage.. Helps. It gives us something to point at or blame or use, that in a way side steps the awkwardness of not being in the mood or wanting to ask for something unusual.

No is replaced with "I'm keeping you locked" which has turned a No into a sexual thing, a happy thing.

We can talk about anything now without it being dismissed out of hand. For example C tells of how my being locked and desperate pleases her, or how it entertains her to see me struggle when I'm made to clean up my own cum.

Q: Who, in a normal relationship can have this type of conversation?

Answer : Anyone.
The hard bit is having a normal relationship.

Two years ago.. I genuinely found it difficult to ask C if we might be able to have sex. And then I would belive any form of 'OK' from C was given begrudgingly, and I would lose my erections. A complete failure.

Now.. If my erections did fail. And I can't remember when it last did, I'd laugh about it and C would lock it up and find another use for me. We don't need 'it' anyway to have great sex.

We don't even have to have sex to have great sex!
Some of the best moments are in the here and now. A word, a look, a promise of being locked, of being denied, released, teased etc.

Being told " I won't be using using your dick any time soon", is incredibly erotic. Three years ago it would have destroyed me as a man.

So. Three years on. Cock is caged and impregnated with steel. I'm used as a kind of sex toy. I have less orgasms than I ever have. I do housework, look after the kids, spend less time with "The boys", drink less beer and I don't argue with my wife.

My confidence has grown, I have more self worth so I make more money. A lot more, and I work less hours. We holiday more, spend more time with the kids and have moved near to the beach.
Everything has changed.

I'm constantly reminded that I'm under the thumb or held by the balls. I serve, I worship. I'm proud and I'm loved.

I feel more A man now than I have felt my entire life.

Posted : 25/11/2022 11:37 am



