There's some issues with the site sending email. I will probably have to turn off the newsletter that announces new blog entries for now because my web hosting company says that it was causing all of the site's emails to be marked as spam. I think it is resolved now and I've re-sent all of the unconfirmed site registration emails.
Only for your information, I did not receive an email about your latest blog, reverse pegging and fauxing (14 June), so the problem may not be fixed. I'm not sure what unconfirmed site registration emails are so my point may not be relevant (I don't remember getting one of those, but I was receiving blog notification emails before).
Best wishes, Marco
Only for your information, I did not receive an email about your latest blog, reverse pegging and fauxing (14 June), so the problem may not be fixed.
The same for me Emma. I didn't receive a notification of the creampie blog either ... FYI