I find grumpy2017 to be the most enjoyable, witty, and even inspirational at times.
This one is also pretty good.
While not all captions, this site is very good: https://keephimcaged.bdsmlr.com
Love it! Thanks so much.
https://tinystudentcalzonerascal.tumblr.com is another really good one, similar to grumpy2017.
I should have noted in my prior post, that "Jane", who runs the keephimcaged page, has been evolving her own site at " http://www.keephimcaged.com " in response to Tumblr's change in ToS. Her blog reminds me a bit of yours, as she helps a lot with ladies trying to incorporate chastity into their relationships.
I guess I should put in a plug for my own site. Right now, I'm still on Tumblr, and I have a blog that's mainly focused on tame, less explicit, chastity captions. It's a mix of reblogs and my own captions.
I guess I should put in a plug for my own site. Right now, I'm still on Tumblr, and I have a blog that's mainly focused on tame, less explicit, chastity captions. It's a mix of reblogs and my own captions.
Great blog! I've been enjoying this one for some time. Thank you.
Back in February, Tumblr closed my account and deleted all of my blogs. I ended up opening another Tumblr, but I have a Wordpress backup. These are only for the captions pictures.
I've gotten tired of fighting with Tumblr for removing or hiding pictures with too much cleavage, while actual porn shows up all over my timeline. But as along is it lasts, these are original captions, mainly involving permanent or long term denial. Some people like that kind of thing.