stopped the padlock clacking against the cage whenever i walked with a few wraps of gaffa tape round the body of the lock, was very conscious of it when out. anyway, just incase that’s an idea you haven’t tried.. 👍
My wife like to hear it
I second this, the keyholder is the one to decide whether she wants to hear it 🙂
@corey We have two young kids so can’t always play such games 👍 Public Humiliation isn’t really part of our reasons. 🙄
I would never do that. The clacking is for the pleasure of my Wife. She wants to hear it. Mistress even laughs at it, especially if we’re out somewhere. To each their own. I’ll keep Mistress happy.
I would never do that. The clacking is for the pleasure of my Wife. She wants to hear it. Mistress even laughs at it, especially if we’re out somewhere. To each their own. I’ll keep Mistress happy.
yep, each to their own. We personally don’t do the humiliation side, just the denial side. 👍
@ian my Wife enjoys both as methods of control. Plus the humiliation is fun for Her!!! I love and adore Her. If it makes Her happy I’m all in