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FLR101 – Preparing your yoni to receive the retaining male’s lingam

It’s important in my opinion that when you have your man retaining and he is preserving his Jing and building Chi that I prepare myself to receive that special Lingam that has been prepared for me by my loving husband.  I incorporate Yoni exercises like this to maximize  my orgasms in addition to my regular Yoga routine.  I insist on his retention for spiritual and health reasons.  Some comments I receive seem to focus on retention as a way to domesticate the man which can be a role for him as he discovers his true nature through retention.  It’s not something I’m as focused on as the spiritual and intimacy benefits.  He doesn’t orgasm/ejaculate while servicing me, but he does participate in the cycle of chi between us.

These videos demonstrate why it’s so important that I be his discipline for retaining as he is weakest at the moment of intercourse.  While every woman is not going to be as limber, or have the vaginal strength as other women, or even be as comfortable in letting it all go and being a sexual being, there are great benefits in practicing and strengthening and fun in seeing what your yoni can be.  I’ll let Grace demonstrate (Her husband also retains)

Note: The linked videos are no longer available.


Hopefully these exercises will give some insight in how to awaken your yoni.  I think this also shows why my husband needs a strong aversive stimulus to prevent ejaculation and help him focused on retaining and keep that chi cycling between us until I’ve received my ninth orgasm and we put his penis away until our next session that he’s very much looking forward too.

I thought I would share this realizing  not every women is going to feel comfortable doing yoni exercises the way Grace does.  Hopefully though this can give you some ideas, and then you can make your own sexual prep practices something that is comfortable for you.  Sex prep can truly enhance your strength and ability to orgasm.


Before he was retaining, my husband would maybe last a few minutes.  With retention, my yoni is able to take full advantage of his lingam.  Yoga centered on the yoni can really pay off when you have a male with a penis that’s there for the long haul during intercourse.  And since sex no longer revolves around goal oriented male ejaculation, he’s more in moment with me.  When I’m finished, he’s still hoping for more.   He doesn’t get more, but I may sit on his face, and even get a thank you later for my resolve in helping him retain.  Initially he may have some resentment when the session ends, but he’s short sighted at that moment.  He knows sex is best for him this way.

Hope this helps.

Thanks to my hubby for help with the website …and the orgasms!

DISCLAIMER: This blog depicts the loving consensual agreed upon relationship between the author and her husband.  Every relationship should be safe, sane, and consensual.  Anything else is illegal. This blog is not meant to substitute for your personal due diligence and is not to be taken as medical advice.



Thursday, September 07, 2017
Hi Yoga Girl What are spiritual and intimacy benefits for you and your husband?What do you think about edjing orgasm without ejaculation for man?Yes sex should be revolved to foster intimacy between you, and not for damaging male ejaculation. Participating in chi is important than orgasm/ejaculation for man, because he waste his health and life span.With cultural change all men will retain to help women and themselves to awake spiritually and sexually. Steve1

Yoga Girl

Friday, September 08, 2017
“Hi Yoga Girl What are spiritual and intimacy benefits for you and your husband?”

As stated elsewhere, he is more eager and ready to be intimate which brings us closer together more frequently. I would say there is also less conflict in the relationship.

“What do you think about edjing orgasm without ejaculation for man?”

I guess he’s edging most of the time when we have intercourse. I don’t make recommendations for other men. People will have to find what works for them. What’s described here is just our experience. In the beginning I was quite adamant about him not touching himself for stimulation, but since he’s been so good after a year I have let him play with himself (no ejaculation) when he’s alone and even look at porn. I thought it might be good to keep his preclimax stimulation up. He has taken advantage of that privilege. But he has stopped doing it as he was getting blue balls. So he is back to only having intercourse for stimulation. People need to play with it and find their happy place.


Saturday, September 09, 2017
I don’t see it as focusing retention on domesticating him. More that the domestication is a convenient and practical outlet for this newfound energy and desire (aside from my own orgasms and pleasure, of course) of his.

Yoga Girl

Saturday, September 09, 2017
I agree. Cleaning the kitchen is almost a compulsion for him since retaining. If I catch him cleaning the kitchen, I may take his penis for a ride (no ejaculation of course). Curiously, kitchen cleaning behavior has increased.


Sunday, September 10, 2017
Of course! I tell him he does too good of a job cleaning and scrubbing the bathroom to ejaculate.


Friday, September 22, 2017
Yoga Girl
We are middle aged and I am a husband that is retaining. I’ve posted here before. Denial been tough for me. A cb was absolutely required so that I stay with the program. No orgasms could only be guaranteed with a device. It stays on until we are intimate. Actually, we carry on like when we were lovers back in college, although there is an obvious difference for me today but I don’t mind. My wife occasionally hears a plea or two from me to have an orgasm but it works for us.

Yoga Girl

Friday, September 22, 2017
It’s great to hear how intimacy has increased in your relationship. It’s amazing how a relationship can change when a woman is actively engaged in her husband’s retention.

This is one of a few blogs that were published by Yoga Girl at her website at http://flr101.blogspot.com. This site is now offline but all credit goes to her. 



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Amazing story. My wife doesn’t let my penis enter her anymore, but this sounds really fun

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