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FLR101: The importance of daily stimulation …and an awakening

We had a week recently where we were very much involved in other things other than our sex life.  My husband was preoccupied with things of a technical nature.  He was retaining semen, but we let the sex slide for the week so there was little stimulation.  Even though he was retaining, I still encountered attitude problems consisting of disrespect or treating me like his employee which is unacceptable.   Sometimes semen retention is enough to highly motivate his behavior, but nothing really beats semen retention combined with daily stimulation.  Again this is my husband, and your experience with your husband may vary, but I assume hormones and psychology are somewhat consistent.  We may both own Toyota Camrys, but mine may have quirks that yours doesn’t.

Image 3

Had I provided daily stimulation, I’m sure he wouldn’t have drifted so far into an assertive and aggressive state requiring correction, but he also bears responsibility for the coming punishment as he should have foresight and keep the consequences in mind. This is where consequences are important.  As I’ve said many times, this does not require contact punishment to be effective.  I always advocate a weekly companion inventory where you sit down as a couple and inventory your wants and needs where both sides can openly express their feelings.  I find it useful to conduct these companion inventories while I sit in a chair, and he sits and washes my feet, and we can relax and explore the previous week together.  Through these discussions, I’ve come to know my husband very well, and I know his needs.  I understand he needs contact punishment, and I’m more than happy to provide that service to shape his behavior.

In the beginning I very much was neutral about the activity, and it is rare so it’s no big deal, but I’ve discovered something new about delivering a strapping this time.  I discovered that I really am awakening to the enjoyment of delivering a strapping to my husband, particularly after a week where his behavior got so out of line.  Truly enjoying it.


This was Sunday, and he was scheduled for ejaculation.  I told him that ejaculation will be postponed maybe until Tuesday.  This really got his attention.  This is one thing us wives need to realize.   When we control the ejaculation schedule, we wield great influence over our husbands.  I explained why his special day would be delayed, and that before sex happens today, there will be a punishment delivered.  He insisted that it wasn’t necessary, and he would be good in the future, but that doesn’t take care of the inappropriate behavior that had occurred.  I explained that whenever he feels like he wants sex today, he needs to let me know, and we’ll take care of it.  This is what’s good about this method.  He will always submit to discipline, because he will always be driven eventually to a strong desire to enter me.  As women we need to realize we set the terms of entry to our vaginas and not to give that up lightly.  Eventually, he came to me and said he’d like to have sex.  I said that’s fine, but there’s business to take care of first.

I told him to strip and get on his knees.  I think it’s important for him to be naked so his penis is displayed just to assess his arousal.  I notice when he’s on his knees, his penis is standing straight up.  This will not be a successful punishment if that penis is still standing when I’m done.  Again, it’s not punishment if it arouses him.  I restrain his hands as he can’t seem to keep them away from his rear while I deliver his strapping.  I use leather cuffs with metal carabiners that clip into the headboard and put pillows under his pelvis to get his rear in the air.  This not only makes the target easier to strike, but it also displays the penis so I can assess the progress of his arousal, as well as his testicles that adds some extra fear as he needs to hold very still during his strapping so that the three tailed strap doesn’t catch a ball or two because of moving.  It may be arousing at the start but quickly escalates with sincere tears and cries for me to “Please Stop!!!”.  But of course it’s only just the beginning.  It’s important for him to have genuine remorse, and a desire to change. As far as I’m concerned the strapping hasn’t started until his penis is completely soft after stripping the arousal out of the experience with 10 or 15 strokes with the leather strap, and then the punishment can begin.  After examining his soft penis, I can see he’s definitely not having fun anymore, and then we’ll start counting the strokes.  This is why this is rare, but I am really starting to appreciate this activity.  As we count, we’ll stop periodically so his rear can rest, and he can explain to me why this is happening which is of course because he doesn’t think before he opens his mouth, and he can also explain to me what his future strategy will be to make sure it doesn’t happen again.  Then we resume.  My goal was 50, but he really could only make it to 41.  I could see that he just wasn’t going to make it through that last nine.  My fault for not pacing the intensity right, and I might have been enjoying it too much.  Plus the 20 inch wooden drilled paddle is brutal.  In any case, I could see he was filled with remorse, and sincerely wanted to change.


I’ve gained deeper insight into this activity since we started a year ago.  Men are taught early on that boys don’t cry.  Men conceal their feelings and aren’t prone to displays of vulnerability.  I can see how this would bring a couple closer together as the wife has the power to bring the husband to a state of tears.  As he discovers his place, it brings us closer together.  It’s a very intimate experience between husband and wife.  It also appears to be a very bonding experience that a man won’t experience in any other way.  His heart is genuinely turned toward the wife seeking forgiveness.

When it’s over, he resumes his place on his knees, and I notice his penis is completely flaccid. Success.  I have him explain why I had to do that and what his place in this relationship is, which is of course to be my loving supportive husband and to talk to me in a way that reflects that.  While on his knees his steel rod begins to appear anticipating sex.  We have sex, and I maintain him mostly in his pre-climax state throughout.  It ends without ejaculation, if not a lot of crying, whimpering and screaming as he tries to avoid emission.  It would be a shame to have to repeat that punishment all over again.  I tell him maybe later ejaculation might happen, but that I’m proud of him that he took his discipline so well and that went a long way to securing ejaculation later in the day …possibly.

I don’t know for sure, but I’m thinking of following my new found joy in this activity.  I’ve told my husband this might be an important weekly activity as I explore my nature as a woman, and also as a powerful reminder to him as to his place in the relationship as a supportive loving husband although the severity may certainly be less depending on his behavior through the week.

I’m poised at another fork in the road where semen retention has lead us.  My husband’s natural state practicing semen retention craves a dominant merciless female authority, and I find that I genuinely enjoy breaking him more than I have in the past which is something new for me.  I’m actually considering a weekly beating for my husband just for my pleasure as well as to keep our roles aligned so he doesn’t drift to that assertive aggressive male state that we just experienced.  My husband’s state of mind is that he’s here to serve me.   He craves to demonstrate before me his willingness to endure anything even if it’s just to serve a whim of my own amusement.

Again, let me reiterate that I urge each couple to discuss how they desire their relationship to be.  I don’t presume that what works for us is something that would be desired by every couple, although I expect that there are far more women like me that would enjoy discovering this other side of themselves if they explored it and men as well that would truly appreciate it if not crave it.  I am simply sharing our experience and the pleasures we’ve received from our activities.  I don’t suggest we are an example to follow. I don’t recommend contact punishment.  I recommend non-contact punishment.  I’ve made a concession to my husband as to what I use as an aversive stimulus.  Couples will need to discuss what they use as an aversive stimulus amongst themselves.

The only principles we live by are that he practices semen retention, I control his ejaculation schedule, and our agreed upon consequences for unauthorized ejaculation.  We did not set out to practice any BDSM.  We have just followed where my husband practicing semen retention has led us.  My husband is a typical archetypal Adam (dominating requiring his wife to submit) when freely ejaculating.  Semen retention has activated what I can only describe as a dormant program in the background of his consciousness that allows a dominate male (son of Adam) to coexist peacefully with a daughter of Lilith.  I’ll go more into the dynamics of Adam, Lilith & Eve in the next chapter.


Thanks to my hubby for help with the website …. and the orgasms.

DISCLAIMER: This blog depicts the loving consensual agreed upon relationship between the author and her husband.  Every relationship should be safe, sane and consensual.  Anything else is illegal. This blog is not meant to substitute for your personal due diligence and is not to be taken as medical advice.



Monday, October 24, 2016
Does your husband has night pollutions in bed?

Yoga Girl

Monday, October 24, 2016
If you mean wet dreams, no. His schedule is only about once in seven days.

AnonymousSunday, October 30, 2016
Follow-up question: Would the “aversive stimulus” be applied in the case of a nocturnal emission?

Yoga Girl

Monday, October 31, 2016


Monday, October 24, 2016
It is wonderful to see your evolution into a dominant wife and your husband’s growth in his submission to your authority over him. Can’t wait to read the next chapter in your marriage.

Yoga Girl

Monday, October 24, 2016
Thanks for reading.


Monday, October 24, 2016
Do you allow your husband a safeword or is he deprived of any ability to withdraw consent when you beat him? Also, do you have any hard limits, such as blood, hyperventilation, etc.?

Yoga Girl

Tuesday, October 25, 2016
These issues aren’t a consideration for us.


Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Hi Yoga Girl,

Thank you very much for sharing this with us and continuing to teach through example. I really look forward to reading more about how your relationship changes because of this new revelation, and how your male responds to a weekly beating.

I have read on other FLR blogs about the idea of a “maintenance” punishment. A punishment like you described that would be weekly, and much like maintenance on a car every so often to make sure it is working properly, a maintenance punishment serves to make sure a male is functioning properly by properly understanding his role in the relationship. A weekly beating is a great ritual for this.

I have a few questions, however. I am not yet at the level you are with your husband, but I find it surprising that after a year of semen retention and taking on a more supportive role, your husband would treat you like an employee. It sounds absurd honestly. What exactly did your husband do? And do you think a weekly beating would make up for a lack of daily stimulation in the future?

Also, how did your husband respond to the idea of a weekly beating? Since I know based on previous posts/comments, he seems to be keen to the concept of BDSM and being submissive to you.

In addition, in a previous posting you mentioned the post-ejaculatory phase being one where a male is much less submissive and accepting of his role in a female led relationship. Do you notice the opposite happening post-beating? I would imagine your male becomes much more submissive after submitting to such an intense beating and then kneeling afterward and verbally re-affirming his place beneath you.

Finally, what exactly do you have him say to re-affirm his place in the relationship? And outside of beatings/punishments, do you use any other methods to remind your male of his place in the relationship? Beating seems to be a very effective way of psychologically and physically breaking a male, but perhaps there are other methods such as humiliation that require less energy on the part of the female.

Thank you again for the wonderfully instructional blog Yoga Girl, I can’t wait for your next posting.


Yoga Girl

Thursday, October 27, 2016
“I have a few questions, however. I am not yet at the level you are with your husband, but I find it surprising that after a year of semen retention and taking on a more supportive role, your husband would treat you like an employee. It sounds absurd honestly. What exactly did your husband do? And do you think a weekly beating would make up for a lack of daily stimulation in the future?”

He hasn’t practiced semen retention for a year. He release about once a week. He retains only for a week at time. I think if a male is preoccupied and his brain is focused in other areas, in this case very left brain activities for a week, he can drift to a more assertive state. Daily stimulation without ejaculation helps keep him very much focused from my observation. I can’t say if a strapping alone would make up for lack of stimulation. We have intense daily stimulation almost daily. Again, I don’t recommend contact punishment, and I don’t hold us up as an example in this regard. This is just what works for us. In this case what I didn’t find acceptable was speaking to me in a stern tone and expecting me to comply. If he was a woman in the muslim culture and behaved that way with this kind of highhandedness to a man, he would have been beaten far more severely and mercilessly, but us women are always more compassionate.

“Also, how did your husband respond to the idea of a weekly beating? Since I know based on previous posts/comments, he seems to be keen to the concept of BDSM and being submissive to you.”

He wants me to do whatever I think is best for him. We may or may not do this as a weekly thing.

“In addition, in a previous posting you mentioned the post-ejaculatory phase being one where a male is much less submissive and accepting of his role in a female led relationship. Do you notice the opposite happening post-beating? I would imagine your male becomes much more submissive after submitting to such an intense beating and then kneeling afterward and verbally re-affirming his place beneath you.”

Yes, after a strapping he is driven much deeper into submission. Again, just a word to women, your relationship can be just as you wish it to be. You can use these principles (semen retention, ejaculation schedule, consequences) to just bring more passion to your marriage and function very much as equals. Much of the time my relationship with my husband is that way, though I am always 100% dominate in the bedroom.

Yoga Girl

Thursday, October 27, 2016

“Finally, what exactly do you have him say to re-affirm his place in the relationship? And outside of beatings/punishments, do you use any other methods to remind your male of his place in the relationship?”

I’ll just have him explain why what happened just happened. Correction doesn’t need to happen that often. Bumping his ejaculation day can be effective as well as a strong influence on good manners. Delaying his ejaculation day takes no energy, and gets his attention. If you feel like you need reminders, an allowance is a powerful reminder as well as a bedtime etc.

“Beating seems to be a very effective way of psychologically and physically breaking a male, but perhaps there are other methods such as humiliation that require less energy on the part of the female.”

The idea of breaking and humiliation is not the goal, though they may be byproducts. The idea is to produce a husband who is passionate, loves, adores and respects me. In my opinion, if a man doesn’t respect his wife, a wife is setting herself up for abuse and neglect. If a wife controls his ejaculation schedule, there is respect and maybe even a little fear, and a whole lot of passion because he only ejaculates in her presence, and not in secret. I don’t see it as abuse when the military breaks down a soldier to make him a better soldier. I don’t see it any differently when a wife breaks down her husband to make him a better husband. From my observation, men respond to authority and thrive under it. My thoughts anyway. As always, have a regular companion inventory, discuss with your husband and find out what makes him tick.


Thursday, October 27, 2016
How do you dominate your husband in the bedroom?

Yoga Girl

Thursday, October 27, 2016
Now, that would be just pointless titillation. All you need to know is in the blog.


Saturday, October 29, 2016
Hi,l want to ask you, are there some spiritual practices or techniques that your husband use to prevent ejaculation. Can you suggest some, or write about it. Thanks

Yoga Girl

Saturday, October 29, 2016
He has used breathing techniques, but mostly he knows here his point of no return is. When he starts to approach it, he just backs off, and when he’s back in control, he resumes thrusting. He just repeats that until I reach 9 or 18 orgasms.

I’m on top most of the time, but he still does most of the thrusting so he can easily for the most part refrain. And the consequences of course help him make the right decisions during intercourse.

sub hub in phx

Sunday, October 30, 2016
Yoga Girl,

Your blog is just so excellent. Your words, your sophistication, logical and reasonable conclusions are so very powerful. Thank you. I continually forward most of your post to my Mistress Wife, along with a smattering of others from other blogs. She constantly thanks me for sending her links to your.

I particularly appreciate that you will repeat that it is not your intention to script other people’s lives and suggest that they (we) each find our own paths. I’ve always felt that same way.

Anyway, thank you so much for your excellent source of knowledge (and as such, entertainment)

Yoga Girl

Sunday, October 30, 2016
Thanks so much for reading. I hope your wife is finding it useful.


Marisa BrooksMonday, October 31, 2016
Can you give any guidance on the beatings? I’m not sure when my husband’s “had enough” and when I should keep going. I get that it needs to be aversive, but I’m not sure how hard or long the beatings should be.

Also, do you ever use a gag of some sort to muffle your husband’s crying? I think I may need to do that.

Yoga Girl

Monday, October 31, 2016
Sorry, Marisa. I can only share what we do as part of our personal experience. I don’t hold us up as an example in this regard. I am not a BDSM expert, and I don’t recommend contact punishment. I do this only as a concession to my husband, and I deliver intensity without damage. My husband’s rear gets red and quickly disappears after the session. As an amateur spanker from my personal experience, I would avoid hard paddles like wood, and stay with something flexible that will give. I’m always careful to always be accurate and deliver only to the fleshy part of his rear, and stay away from the kidneys, lower back and backs of the thighs. If your leaving black and blue marks, I would stop contact punishment and select a non-contact punishment. If your husband insist he wants contact, you might be able to find a professional dominatrix to show you how to deliver a strapping safely. It could be likely your husband wants more pain than your willing to give safely.

You will have to decide that with your husband in your companion inventories. With any aversive stimulus, if the behavior repeats, or isn’t curtailed, then a different stimulus should be tried. My husband fears non-contact punishment much more than contact. My go to non-contact punishment is to delay ejaculation day, and that will curtail his mouth immediately.

If his behavior isn’t corrected select a non-contact punishment.
There are so many effective aversive stimuli available which may be more appealing to women to apply. For most of us, our nature is not to be harsh and abusive. The following are ideas that often work just as well:

-Delay ejaculation day one or two days (this is the most common one I use.)

  • An early bedtime for a week.

-Revoking TV or computer time.

-Putting him on an allowance and restricting or increasing it according to his behavior.

-If he’s a sports fan, deciding which games he will be able to watch if any. Personally, I think sports watching should be eliminated, but that’s for each individual wife to decide.

-Restricting time out with his friends. That should always be at the discretion of the wife. If he’s going out with friends, he should always call and ask permission first.

-Corner time

Any one of these really cuts into his life in a way that is felt to the core and modifies behavior.

There are so many other options for the male that craves a controlling female authority, your goals can be easily accomplished without any physical contact. The above are just some examples. Even better if you and your husband find your own path through your companion inventories. And always be safe.

Marisa Brooks

Monday, October 31, 2016
Thanks, Yoga Girl. My husband is more frightened of the contact punishments, so I’m going in that direction for now. The dominatrix is not a bad idea. Your wooden paddle seems like your most effective implement, so I was going to use the same thing, but I do appreciate your suggestion.

After a beating, he does withdraw for a day or two, so there is no sex during that period. However, he is much more compliant, so I’m fine with that.

Yoga Girl

Monday, October 31, 2016
You seem like a true daughter of Lilith which I’ll get into in my next chapter. Once men are trained and broken in, they can co-exist peacefully without conflict with a daughter of Lilith and passion can flourish. Just my opinion, but I would have a companion inventory with him during those one or two days after, assess his feelings, and make sure he’s getting what he needs and doesn’t harbor any resentment. I might be concerned that he’s not aroused a day after. Anyway, that’s something for you two to discuss as he learns his place and discovers his true nature through semen retention with you controlling his ejaculation schedule.


Sunday, November 13, 2016
In my marriage, it’s my husbands his duty to give me sex whenever I want. I think, You should require at least oral sex to broke him and show him who is leading your marriage.

Yoga Girl

Sunday, November 13, 2016
Not sure if that comment is directed at me, but my husband performs almost daily as requested, and oral is part of almost all of my orgasms.


Sunday, November 13, 2016
My mistake, sorry. That was for Marisa Brooks.


Sunday, November 13, 2016
Thanks for this blog. It is interesting for me. Can you explain what do you exactly mean by term “doughter of Lilith”? Thanks

Yoga Girl

Sunday, November 13, 2016
I just published a new chapter “A Woman Should Know Her Place” That should address your question. Thanks for reading.


Monday, December 12, 2016
I was wondering, Yoga Girl, with all due respect, why not increase the time between your husband’s ejaculations? It would seem that perhaps once every 7 days is too much if he is behaving this way, and perhaps maybe once every 10 or 14 days might show improvements in his behavior?

Also, I was wondering if you had any updates on the idea of weekly beatings. After reading your most recent post regarding “helicoptering a dog,” I realized that weekly beatings can actually be very useful in asserting dominance over alpha males who frequently forget their place in a relationship.

Please let me know what you think. Your experiences that you have shared on this blog are very helpful.

Yoga Girl

Monday, December 12, 2016
Once every 7 days is adequate as long as there is daily or almost daily vaginal stimulation to him. My point was that merely just retaining isn’t enough. Sometimes life preoccupies headspace. Normally 10-14 days is a lot for him, and it puts him further down than I would like, though we have done it. Normally I prefer to function as close to equals as possible. That does mean there is more resistance. If you have an attack dog, you can’t completely break him. He would lose the traits you found attractive in the first place. There is an edge that I ride. It is important at least to me that he remain a man. I like him spirited as long as I don’t get trampled. He knows I will adjust things, so he does stay reasonably on the right side of the line.

As far as the weekly thing is concerned. We do it but maybe not weekly. I haven’t provided updates as I don’t want the blog to disintegrate into just titillation. When putting this together I realized that some explicit detail was going to be necessary as just saying “Hey, were more passionate now doing this.” just doesn’t illustrate the level of passion adequately. So, I include some detail, maybe too much sometimes.

As far as helicoptering goes, that relates to him retaining and pushing for ejaculation during intercourse, and I understand that. It just something that needs to be done to get him through the session. He’s out of his mind so it’s understandable. I’m not sure that’s an alpha male thing. He just needs to understand it’s not his time and accept the pleasure of intercourse and realize ejaculation is just not in the cards on that day. He knows we’ll get around to relieving it eventually. I hope someday, he will be broken of that habit of associating intercourse with ejaculation.

Thanks for reading. Glad it’s been helpful.



Tuesday, December 13, 2016
Thank you Yoga Girl,

Its simply incredible how you have managed to train your man while still keeping him as an alpha male, not totally broken. You are an inspiration to all women everywhere.

I am not seeking any information that would be titillating, but I am wondering how your husband has been responding to beatings that are not in response to bad behaviour. I always thought that punishment had to accompany the bad behaviour it was meant to condition away? I know you have said that he accepts that you will do what is best for him (i am wuite envious that your husband will accept your wishes like this), but when push comes to shove does he ever resist? Since presumably he might feel he has done nothing wrong?

Thank you again

Yoga Girl

Tuesday, December 13, 2016
When he is retaining, he responds very well. He is submissive and compliant, and he realizes his body is for my pleasure and I’ll use it as I wish until his special day. Even then, it’s not just for my entertainment, but I have his needs in mind. And it’s good for him to have his attitude adjusted as well as for me to amuse myself. As I said, this doesn’t always happen weekly, but it does to serve on the right occasion.

Does he ever resist? I think you have to know people. I wouldn’t do this after his release on his ejaculation day for instance. There would be resistance then. After his release, I give him space and let him come back to me when he’s ready. If I want to make his release as sweet as possible, it would be best to wait until ejaculation day and do it before his release. One of the purposes of semen retention besides some testosterone benefit indicated by some research is that it keeps his fire kindled. It keeps him responsive to me. For the most part, he’s ready to go and then go again and again whereas before I rarely got off the starting line. When we have, intercourse I know when he would ejaculate if he weren’t practicing semen retention, and I think “Wow, he would’ve ejaculated just then, and I haven’t even had my first orgasm yet”, but we go until I hit 9-18 orgasms, and his cock is locked and hard with no concerns about maintaining an erection and hoping to give me even more after I’m satisfied. It’s good. He knows what he needs. Communication is everything. In depth companion inventories are essential to know your partner. Your partner is an onion or a parfait. You need to get to the bottom of them. The mind is complex. But your right, punishment is 99% aversive for him, and maybe 1% my pleasure which I know he craves to serve …when he’s retaining.


Thursday, January 05, 2017
Hi, l also think you should extend your husband’s retention period, because he is not a young boy.You extended his semen retention until one week, so l think with time he will get used to retain more time as his nature reveals to him.

Yoga Girl

Thursday, January 05, 2017
It varies. I was pretty generous over Christmas.

sub hub in phx

Friday, January 06, 2017
Yoga Girl, I always get excited every time I see that there are recent comments from you on your posts. Whether true or not, I like to believe that you are on your blog, viewing and replying to comments, because you are creating a new post. And we all LOVE your posts. My Mistress K., and myself especially

Yoga Girl

Friday, January 06, 2017
It’s quite true. My husband moderates, and I’ll respond. I’m so glad you’re enjoying the blog.

The Glenmore

Thursday, March 02, 2017
I have a question regarding implements. For a 50 stroke beating do you use the strap , paddle or both?Your recommendation was to avoid wood and I understand the veracity of the paddle was one of the reasons he only could take 41 of 50?

Yoga Girl

Friday, March 03, 2017
I’m not the person to instruct anyone on how to spank safely. I’m sure there are many good resources that google could direct you too.


Friday, June 23, 2017
“As I saw my wife pull out the wooden paddle, my eyes filled with tears as I trembled uncontrollably. A small smile came to her lips as she soaked in my terror and desperation, and I saw all signs of love and affection disappear from her eyes. In that moment, she was not my friend, my wife, my confidante, my partner, or my lover. She was merely an instrument of my pain and suffering. She was the hangman with a noose and a job to do. At that point, I felt completely alone in the world, knowing that no one and nothing would save me from the nightmare that was about to begin. I could only hope that the pain would quickly overwhelm me, and that I would lose consciousness until it was over.”

Yoga Girls’s Husband

Saturday, June 24, 2017
You truly sound like a lucky guy. I only wish Yoga Girl was more like that.

The Glenmore

Monday, June 26, 2017
You wish she would paddle you more?

Yoga Girl’s Husband (moderator)

Monday, June 26, 2017
No. She hasn’t done that in awhile. I do what I can to avoid it. It’s still hot as hell though and a turn on that she’s that way. I’ll take ejaculation as frequently as I can get it, but she insist on retention and is not letting it go. She’s always there supporting me making sure it doesn’t happen. If it were up to me, I wouldn’t have the discipline in the heat of the moment to refrain. Sex is much more intense this way. For my taste though, she is far too loving. I would love to be with a total sadistic bitch, but that could be more of a fantasy. She’s probably moderating it just right. Most people are full of contradictions, and I’m one of them. she has a tight ass, and a ripped yoga body with a firm disciplinary attitude. Overall, I feel extremely lucky to be in this relationship.

The Glenmore

Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Having a woman with a firm disciplinary attitude , however she chooses to express it is a blessing for sure.
I recall in one of her posts , Yoga girl was considering paddling you every week as she quite enjoyed it. I guess she had a change of mind. Thanks for sharing.

Yoga Girl’s Husband (moderator)

Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Life gets busy and she’s doing a thousand things so that’s kind of slipped by the wayside. Though, she is still vigilant about firmly policing spills as she proved this pass spring. It was just feeling too good, and I made the wrong choice. That choice is now burned into my memory. I’ve been helpful with some of her projects so she’s thinking ejaculation may happen tomorrow which would be cool.


Wednesday, June 28, 2017
Seems like if you were serious about vicious you would like her to be, all you’d have to do is come when you’re not allowed and she would find the time to hurt you. Obviously, you’re not serious about craving that level of cruelty. It’s right.there for the talking. She is willing to hurt you very badly anytime you fail her sexually.

Go for it!!

Yoga Girl’s Husband (moderator)

Wednesday, June 28, 2017
If I did that, she would switch to a different aversive stimulus that would control my release that had little erotic reinforcement like an early bedtime for instance. She makes sure that she has delivered strappings that go far enough that I’m not looking for another one. She has consented to the strappings precisely because they are effective and she rarely has to do it.


Tuesday, September 26, 2017
What did you mean when you said “he could only make it to 41”? He was restrained, so there was nothing for him to do but lie there. What did you actually see or hear that led you to stop, and what did you think would happen if you delivered the final nine blows?


Thursday, November 16, 2017
Dear Yoga Girl,

Thank you (and your husband) for sharing. Most everything I have read here is interesting and well thought out. I’m a husband married more than 25 years to a wonderful woman whose libido has declined dramatically. I think I would do most anything to cultivate in my wife a fraction of the appetite you seem to have for your husband.

I am curious to know whether in the time that you have been enforcing your husband’s ejaculation schedule and growing more in touch with your dominant side you feel you have made mistakes in your behavior toward your husband (or perhaps he feels you have). I’m not asking whether you’ve delayed his ejeculation too long, or done other things that you regret but that are specific to the control of your sex life. I’m wondering whether at times you have spoken dismissively to him, or not treated him or his feelings respectfully in some way. If it’s been the case or if you could imagine this scenario has there been, or would there be, any “punishment” for you? What form might this punishment or behavior altering measure take? Or is it simply the case that you are able to take the things you learn from your weekly companion inventories and incorporate them into being a better spouse and lover in the following week and your husband is not? I do not mean for this to sound like a challenge to the idea of a FLR or an ejaculation schedule, or episodic contact punishment, all of which sounds very enticing. It’s just that weekly companion inventories spent engaged in an activity that further reinforces your husbands submissive role may well determine the scope of such conversation between you.

Sorry for the rambling question.


Yoga Girl

Monday, November 20, 2017
I can’t say I’ve made any mistakes. From his point of view, I think he may feel that I’m even too respectful of him.

“If it’s been the case or if you could imagine this scenario has there been, or would there be, any “punishment” for you?”

No, There is no punishment for me. I’m not into it nor would I entertain the idea. I would say we are doing companion inventories less at this point. Everything is working so well, we’ve been kind of lazy about it. At the beginning though, I would encourage people to discuss every aspect of this and keep lines of communication open at least on a once weekly basis as the husband becomes dependent on the wife for stimulation and release. At this point it’s a given that he’s not going to ever ejaculate unless he hears the release command from me. He depends on my vagina for stimulation as even when he pulls on his penis, he no longer gets stimulation from it as he did before. When masturbation is eliminated at first, it can be difficult as I think most men are used to their own hand. It,s now been more than a year since he has masturbated on a regular basis and that connection between his hand and penis has been broken, and his penis is firmly connected to my vagina for stimulation.

Have I made mistakes? Well, he wants to take breaks from retention and have “normal” sex. I’m not doing that. We will continue this as it’s what’s best for our relationship. Normal sex is passionless sex at least for us. With retention, he has raging hard ons. He’s screaming and moaning for release. The passion is at a 10 for him, and my orgasms are powerful because his passion is so intense. I don’t think we’ll be going back. Is that a mistake not to give in to his pleading? That’s a chance I’m willing to take. It’s really not up for discussion any more. When he’s in his right head, he understands this. After what we’ve seen in the news lately, is their any doubt that men and their ejaculations need to be supervised by a mature woman? How many free ejaculator’s careers have been ruined by their poor impulse control?

This is one of a few blogs that were published by Yoga Girl at her website at http://flr101.blogspot.com. This site is now offline but all credit goes to her. 



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another fabulous share! Thank you. Frankly? I am envious of your relationship(Maybe not of his beatings). I do value and understand their importance.How your husband has such purpose and? How you have directed him to serve you. It is not for me to say but? I am guessing his nature is one of service and submission. The relationship you have created is hot, sexy, beautiful and more.

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